Thou shalt not roof over moisture. Any form of water, whether it be mere dampness or pools of mud, will blow apart the new roof.
Flat roofs are monolithic systems that need to flex, stretch, and stay adhered at the seams and flashings.
When they heat up, and boy do they, a contained drop of water will become excited and try to grow into a gallon of vapor, or something like that. The monolith is just that and there is no lap point for it to expand. Blisters form or an osmotic type action called migration occurs. Permeability is not a good thing for bathtubs.
H2O is a mean son of a gun and will destroy everything you own if you don't respect it. Water gives life
but can also kill. If you are sure beyond a doubt that no water is in your flat roof system you should not
reroof it anyway because decompsing roofs emit gases.
Best bet is to remove all old roofing. otherwise you can look at some of the roof restoration systems
available for smooth surface roofs. Sometimes a restored roof is better than the original one,
especially those using butyl tape on the seams and a two coat reflective system.
Flat roofs are monolithic systems that need to flex, stretch, and stay adhered at the seams and flashings.
When they heat up, and boy do they, a contained drop of water will become excited and try to grow into a gallon of vapor, or something like that. The monolith is just that and there is no lap point for it to expand. Blisters form or an osmotic type action called migration occurs. Permeability is not a good thing for bathtubs.
H2O is a mean son of a gun and will destroy everything you own if you don't respect it. Water gives life
but can also kill. If you are sure beyond a doubt that no water is in your flat roof system you should not
reroof it anyway because decompsing roofs emit gases.
Best bet is to remove all old roofing. otherwise you can look at some of the roof restoration systems
available for smooth surface roofs. Sometimes a restored roof is better than the original one,
especially those using butyl tape on the seams and a two coat reflective system.
Jon Alan Wright
Jon Wright Roofing, Siding, and Windows
1915 Peters Rd., Suite 310
Irving, TX 75061
972.251.1818 Office
214.718.3748 Cell
972.554.8090 Fax

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