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Friday, October 1, 2010

Too many calls. Too many bad roofs out there. What a nightmare the last few weeks have been. Ten inches of rain on the 8th in a few hours changes everything.
The calls are slowing down now and we've made some friends but we also made some enemies. We tried to handle everyone and we shouldn't have. We have found out we can turn off Angies List when this happens and a few other resources we have when a natural disaster hits.
Alex called a potential customer and told him I'd be there in about an hour. All he said was fine. I didn't have time to stop for lunch so I stopped at a convenience store to grad some poison. When I came out a bum was digging in my truck and talking to himself. He had my phone and wouldn't give it back. A struggle ensued, more like a slow dance, and I slowly began to get it back until he jerked it away and disassemble the battery.
Boy was I freaked. He saw my rage and threw it down and ran but these Blackberry devices take some time to start back up. I was already a late and now I was really late. My phone had over a dozen missed calls.
When I got to the appointment no one was there. The problem was obvious. No maintenance and no paint. An old wood louver on the side poorly designed, falling out, and a hurricane.
I resumed my frantic catch up mode knowing this guy would be mad and wouldn't do business with me.
Correctomundo. He gave me an "F" on Angies to go along with all my "A's." We didn't do business with him so our average is not effected but he's on top. Funny how when you swallow too big a bite it can cause pain, even death.
We've changed things up and are preparing for the next tsunami.
For anyone else who fell through the cracks, er, I mean gaping holes, I apologize.
We really got more calls in a week than we had in three or four months. I had just let some of my staff go at this time because there wasn't enough to do.
Feast or famine? I don't think so. Normally people wait for hail storms to replace their roof and many look to get out cheap because they are not spending their own money but nobody spends their own money better than they do.
Now people are buying better roofs, better guarantees, better ventilation and better Energy Star decking and shingles. With their own money people seek value but when Allstate or State Farm pays for the roof most go cheap. Those don't tend to be our customers. Long and short term saving is what we offer, not a bottom line so cheap a good roof can't be put on and continue in business.
We are competitive but with better systems. We are the extended warranty energy saving beautiful roof store.

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